Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Kenangan Bersama Ramli Sarip

Gambar kenangan bersama Ramli Sarip di hadapan DTSP USM, Pulau Pinang  1989

Monday, 9 September 2013

The Benefits are More Than Sound

Pelajar SK Sebangan, Simunjan

When every student can hear teacher’s voice clearly, they focus.
As students become more engaged in each lesson, they retain what is said.  A student who hears every word tends to respond to questions, and participate more in class. And with classroom audio technology, teachers don’t have to strain their voices to overcome noise and be heard.

Easy on Teachers’ Vocal Health
When teachers instruct and project all day long, they often experience voice fatigue and related illnesses.

Even Sound Distribution Transcends Noise
Classroom audio systems help teachers overcome various ambient noises (street sounds, playground and hallway activity, HVAC sounds and more). By evenly distributing the teacher’s voice throughout the classroom, classroom audio ensures every word is understood. Where a teacher stands in the room, proximity to students, and the need for priority seating simply cease to be issues.

Better Classroom Management
Louder is not better.  When teachers speak in even, calm tones, students respond. Enhanced voice intelligibility means students understand instructions the first time, minimizing the need for repetition or redirection.

More Class Participation
Classroom audio technology empowers students as well as teachers. Through the use of a hand microphone, students become more engaged. Their confidence grows as they give presentations, read aloud or answer questions.

The history of technology in education

Roger Waters - "Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)" Live 2012

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Teaching Aids


Overhead Projector: Too Techno or Best Presentation Tool Ever Invented?

Let’s face it. Some  teachers are not too big on technology.
They prefer tried and tested methods, like worksheets, flashcards, and games. They’re willing to spend hours designing, coloring, and assembling a board game, but are reluctant to spend half an hour on a Power Point presentation. The issue of the use of technology in the classroom has been the subject of debate for decades now. Needless to say, technology should never be used for technology's sake, but the implementation of certain tools may be highly effective . And overhead projectors are just one of the tools we have at our disposal.
Is the use of multimedia projectors really necessary? Aren't they more suited to a business setting? These are valid questions. However, there are situations in which the use of overhead projectors may be highly effective in driving home the  component you wish to teach.
When are overhead presentation projectors recommended and when are they simply too much?
Presentation projectors are ideal in large classrooms of over 20 students. For smaller groups, they may not only be unnecessary, but also even ineffective. They are also not recommended for groups of very small children, as their attention spans are shorter and they are more kinesthetic learners; however, very short presentations are ok for the littlest ones, and teens and adults should be able to handle longer ones.
What can you teach through overhead presentation projectors?
You can teach anything you like, but make sure the use of the overhead projector is justified. Ask yourself: Is this the best way to teach this particular set of vocabulary or grammar point? If you consider it carefully and decide this will be your tool of choice, then by all means use it!
Here are some examples of lessons that may be greatly enhanced through an overhead presentation:
Teaching vocabulary with sound: Design a Power Point presentation with animals and include the sounds they make.
Comparisons: Have slides filled with things for students to compare, like prices, lengths, sizes. This may work with either Power Point presentations or overhead transparencies. For example, design a slide with a family composed of 5 or 6 members, all with varying heights, and each with their name underneath. Have students compare family members and name the tallest, shortest, etc…
Predictions: Use a set of slides where you show a sequence of events. As you pause at each slide, have students predict what will happen next, then show them the slide that follows so they can see if they were right. For example, have four slides that show a girl washing her hands, sitting down for lunch, having dessert, then, brushing her teeth. As you pause at each slide, students have to guess what will come next. Great for practicing future with “will”!
City tour: Show your students slides with photos of different locations and points of interest in any important English-speaking city. Also, photo presentations are great for holidays, sports, professions or anything that you want to teach with real life photos.
These types of presentations may be used for introducing completely new vocabulary or grammar, practice and drilling, review, or even oral tests.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Overhead Projector

 1.     Focussing knob  
 2.     Projection head
 3      On-Off switch      
 4      Fresnel lens
 5      Glass stage  
 6      Lamp
 7.     Reflec     
 8.     Fan
 9      Air vents

10 Pieces of Technology Every Teacher Should Know. Final Part

6          Powerpoint
Powerpoint remains a critical way to impart important information to students because of its visual and interactive nature. The slides provide more information than the teacher can give by lecturing: showing pictures of Anne Frank’s hiding place and her family, for example, is more powerful than just discussing them. In addition, it is possible to print out a set of lecture guides with each presentation for students to take notes on, so this provides a kind of scaffolding that traditional lectures do not.
7          Thumbdrive
Besides just learning the technology, students and teachers should learn some of the basics in responsible handling of computer information, such as storing materials to a thumbdrive, a small electronic storage device that can be kept on a keychain. Asking students to purchase a thumbdrive should be part of every class in which technology is used.
8          a DVD and CD player
DVD and CD players remain staples of technology for teaching. Many ESL books
4 Great Textbooks for General English Students come equipped with CDs for listening practice and DVDs for presenting concepts, so access to both a CD and DVD player is desirable.

9          an overhead projector
Understanding how an overhead projector works remains important even today because many texts—including the one I am using this term—comes with pages to be used on overheads. In addition, many schools have not made the conversion yet to “smart” classrooms, and overhead projects are the extent of their technology. However, overheads are especially useful for demonstrating to students how to fill out a form, for example, or a page on a notebook. Instead of attempting to copy from the book the sentences with blanks on the board, the teacher can simply make an overhead and fill it out on the projector. This saves time, improves accuracy, and reduces confusion for students with learning difficulties, in particular, whose confusion connecting with what is on the board with what is in their book is reduced if what is on the overhead is the same as their books.
10        E-readers
E-readers, electronic devices for downloading and reading electronic books, are the coming technology in purchasing and reading books. Their advantages are their portability: an e-reader can store thousands of texts and save space and back pain caused by traditional books filling shelves and backpacks. E-books are also often cheaper: a friend of mine, for example, just downloaded the complete works of Shakespeare—free, because it’s out of copyright. Many e-readers today also come with devices to mark and highlight electronic text, which is not as damaging as marking a print copy. All teachers and students should consider getting one of these devices.


Technology will never take the place of a teacher nor will it cover for poor teaching.
However, technology, used in the correct place and at the correct time, can enhance the educational process greatly.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Muara Tuang to Sebangan

Sudah lama tidak melihat pemandangan ini ..

Kelapa sudah menjadi spesis terancam.

Banana country

Sungai Sebangan

10 Pieces of Technology Every Teacher Should Know. Part 2

3          a smartboard
A smartboard is an interactive white board many classrooms come equipped with now. Rather than ignore it and use the traditional white or chalkboard, as some teachers do, why not learn how to use a smartboard to enhance your instruction? Writing and erasing, for example, can be accomplished with both fingers and smartboard pens. Gone is the frustration when the whiteboard pens go missing or don’t work; teachers can simply use their fingers or another object. Also eliminated is the smell or dust associated with dry erase pens and chalk. In addition, smartboards function something like a traditional computer screens; clicking on items on the board, such as notebook icons, will open them. Also lesson software can be loaded, setting up “true” and “false” responses for students to click on, for example.
4          a laptop
Laptops are effective in the classroom, making it possible, for example, to project a clip from YouTube to demonstrate a cultural concept such as what The Tonight Show is. Laptops are also good for teachers out-of-class work, like recording and scoring grades. Finally, many students are assigned their own laptops in classrooms now, on which they can complete, print out, and store their work as well as learn effective methods of completing web searches. This basic education in technology in important for many underprivileged students who otherwise have little access to it, and for whom learning technology, along with learning English, is critical for advancing in society.
5          website design technology
Understanding how to set up a simple website is important for teachers. It can be as simple as a blog, but there should be places to post updates and class and school news as well as assignments coming due and discussion boards for students to post and answer questions. Ideally, there should also be a place to post assignments so that students who don’t know or who forgot the assignment can refer to the website. Having students print out and bring their own assignment directions, rather than making multiple copies, also conserves paper and saves money for the school.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Technology will never take the place of a teacher nor will it cover for poor teaching. Part 1

Technology will never take the place of a teacher nor will it cover for poor teaching.
However, technology, used in the correct place and at the correct time, can enhance the educational process greatly.

There is a tendency to think of the classroom as removed from the rest of the world and isolated from change.
To some extent, this is true - many of us are in classrooms that Socrates himself almost might have taught in, the most developed “technology” being the whiteboard or perhaps an overhead projector. Even so, there are several reasons to keep current with technology: your students can use it, and in most things, the teacher should know at least as much as their students; the real possibility that you might someday be assigned a “smart” classroom, and many resources for continued learning, such as “podcasts,” come in the form of contemporary technology. In fact there are 10 pieces of technology every teacher should know how to use.

10 Pieces of Technology Every Teacher Should Know

1 a smart phone
a phone equipped with other devices, such as a camera and internet connection, it has been joked that you can do everything on a smart phone but place phone calls. However, a smart phone does prove useful for classrooms: a teacher I once knew, for example, took pictures of each student in her class, the student holding a large card with his or her name, so that she had a visual record of her students’ faces and names associated with them to refer to.

2          an iPod
Originally a device for storing electronic music, iPods are now a tool for storing other audio material, such as lectures, and are therefore good for teachers’ professional development. There are numerous “Podcasts” that can be found online on latest teaching information on topics such as English as a Second Language and technology. Teachers can also record their own podcasts, post them, and ask students to listen as homework. iPods are also relatively inexpensive and easy to use.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Perkahwinan Usu Jijan - 17 Ogos 2013

Pangkalan feri Sungai Bulu

Menyeberangi Batang Sadong

Muhd Hisyam di atas feri. Kelihatan kerja-kerja pembinaan Jambatan Batang Sadong.

Rombongan pengantin

Anak saudara Pak Usu membawa hantaran.

Pengantin di apit oleh anak saudara

Akad nikah

Menjadi suami - isteri yang sah

Pengantin bersama anak saudara

Sungai Sebangan, Simunjan

Suatu pagi di tebing Sungai Sebangan, Simunjan

Points To Ponder

Not Ordinary Teachers?
by Dunstan Chan

Last week NUTP president Hashim Adnan said the goverment should consider lowering the benchmark to enter the teaching profession for students who have been active in sports.

"We cannot expect students active in sports to be able to produce results like inactive students as they would need to go for training and may miss lessons or have less time to study. Instaed of ignoring them, the ministry must make allowances for those who have represented the state or the nation in sports.

This suggestion raised quite a few eyebrows. In the case of my friend John, it was more than just raising the eyebrow. It was the deep furrow of a worried frown.

Perhaps it is understandable; John still has two children in school and he, like many, subscribes to the belief that brain and brawn are two mutually exclusive commodities. Such a belief has been prevalent for years. In fact the Chinese have an expression 'boon bu chuan chai' (Hokkien) meaning the complete man is one who is at once a scholar and a warrior, in their consideration, a very rare phenomenon.

John is concerned that his children might be taught by someone who might not be fully equipped for the job by virtue of his or her commitment to activitites other than academic.

Let me at this point go off tangent somewhat to offer my two-sen worth view on education. The prevalent culture in Malaysia I note is that a school is a place where the teacher (being the fountain of knowledge) dispenses knowledge to the students (the receptacles). The task of the students in turn is to reproduce the said knowledge during the examination. Thus, note taking becomes a very important activity. Reproduction is a premium while exploration of beyond the realm defined by the textbooks take a very far backseat.

Interestingly, such a mindset is carried beyond the school years. One of the first things I got  asked when I ran training programmes for adults is "Are there notes?" I posed the same question to the late Zig Ziglar (he was one of foremost motivational speakers and trainers in the US) when I attended his seminar some ten years ago. I noted that  the seminar files given to the participants contained mostly blank pages. He gave me a gentle smile and explained to me that he wanted us to write down on those pages the learning points from the seminar and add extra comments or counter points if we so wished. This would help us to internalise the lessons. He said that no two participants would likely  to have identical notes. He was at pains to point out that learning is a very individual experience.

The key word in education is 'learning'. I remember the word of a very wise professor: "My aim is not to try to give you all the words on the subject. Suffice for me that you leave this place with the desire to learn; that you accept that learning is a lifelong activity. If I manage to teach you to learn how to learn then I believe I have fullfilled my vocation."

This brings me back to the issue of champion sportsmen being given special dispensation from exacting pre-qualification of becoming teachers. Instinctively one may    balk at the idea. How can we accept the idea of someone, who because of his preoccupation with sports and thus was unable to acquire sufficient knowledge, to teach our kids? However, after I had pondered on the matter for a while I came to the conclusion that these sportsmen may be able to offer the students something as valuable, if not more, than the ordinary teachers.

The key ingredients for sporting successs are courage, discipline and a willingness to learn. They would have agreed with the wors of Winston Churchill: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

These sportsmen would have learned that without hard work there would be no success. My neice enjoyed a measure of success as a swimmer. I know that by the time she won a medal at the SEA Games she would had swam enough lengths to reach all the way around the world. For a period of ten years, she never got out from bed later than 5.30 am. Incidentally, so did her mother who was her driver.

Champions would have had to endure the berating of their coaches, swallowed their pride and put their heads down and continued with their training and practices.

These and other fine values  the champion sportsmen teachers can share with their students. These are the attitudes they have acquired not from books but throught actual experiences. Surely that's worth something.  


Hari Keluarga di Pantai Sematan 2013